Buy Banocide Forte Tablet (Diethylcarbamazine): Check Price, Uses, Side Effects, Substitutes | Online Generic Medicine
1 month ago Services Buffalo 32 views Reference: 35440$4
Location: Buffalo
Price: $4
Buy Banocide Forte (Diethylcarbamazine 100mg), Diethylcarbamazine is used to treat filariasis (elephantiasis), a parasitic disfiguring disease in which swelling of arms, legs, or other body parts may occur. It is also used for other parasitic infections like topical eosinophilia, African eye worms (loa), or river blindness. Diethylcarbamazine belongs to a class of medication called anti-helminthic. It can act against both the larval and adult forms of the parasitic worms that cause filariasis.