8 months ago Services Idaho Falls 58 views Reference: 12637Location: Idaho Falls
Price: $8
Norco Pill is a medicine that is used for severe pain. It modifies the nervous system and doesn’t let the body feel the pain. It is helpful in cases when patients are suffering from serious pain such as any accidental pain or cancer.
Norco is the brand name for the combination of hydrocodone and paracetamol. This medicine is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. Hydrocodone is an opioid drug that is highly addictive and changes the way our brain feels during pain and paracetamol has acetaminophen used in controlling fever. Due to its effectiveness, you can buy Norco online to get the fast delivery.
Norco pills come under schedule 3 of the controlled substances act, which means if you want to buy these you need a doctor’s prescription for them.