Looking for Animation Colleges in Haryana? Come to Amity Gurugram!
8 months ago Learning Gurgaon 109 views Reference: 6917Contact us
Location: Gurgaon
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For a course like animation, you can also opt for Amity University Gurugram. It is a full-fledged university that offers an affiliated degree in the framework. The university provides animation courses, multimedia courses, 2d animation, 3d animation in creative arts. It also offers a range of professional courses in Graphic designing, Web designing, Interior designing, Character designing, Maya, VFX. The university has one of the best animation colleges in Haryana. To get more information on this course you can refer to our website.
Address: Amity Education Valley Gurugram (Manesar), Haryana 122413 Haryana
Phone No: (University Campus): 8826698200
Email: admissions@ggn.amity.edu